
2 of 3: At work, our people feel like how we want our customers to feel


  • Have our people experienced how it will feel when we consistently deliver our customer vision? Have we achieved an emotional connection with what we’re trying to achieve?
  • Have we provided training so our people are clear about what they need to do to support us delivering our customer vision?
  • Are our people confident that they have the skills to support the delivery of our customer vision?

  • Rewards / Incentives

  • Have we aligned our performance scorecards to support delivery of our customer vision?
  • Do our rewards and incentives support our people to deliver our customer vision?
  • Are we using “if…then” rewards that might get in the way of risk taking and innovation to create our customer vision?

  • Recognition

  • Do we have a range of recognition methods for both leaders and peers to recognise our people’s efforts in supporting delivery of the customer vision?
    • Achieving results
    • Achieving key milestones
    • Making others great
    • Rock-solid performance
    • Actions demonstrating our values
  • Are we using these methods often enough to make the desired difference?

  • Work environment

  • Is our work environment supportive of collaboration and cross-functional work to improve our customer experience?
  • Does the work environment communicate the importance of our team?
  • Does our work environment feel bright and positive to support our people to feel upbeat?

  • Routines / Rituals

  • Do we have routines that communicate our commitment to our customer vision – e.g. a commitment to spend time with customers each month
  • Have we established rituals and symbols that keeps our commitment top of mind e.g. personas to refer in team discussion, Jeff Bezo’s idea to have an empty chair to bring customers into a team conversation