

  • Knowledgebase Benefit / ROI calculator
    This calculator helps you provide hard numbers, rather than assumption based benefits when forecasting the value of knowledge base and other self service investments.
  • SLA calculators
    These calculators provide different options for calculating service level.


  • Customer-centric Culture Checklist
    This checklist helps you identify areas to work on to embed a customer-centric culture. Each organisation is different so we’ve included thought-starters to cover off all the areas to consider when developing a culture programme. The areas of focus are divided into three priority areas to help build momentum quickly.


  • Change Management Template
    This template helps you plan the successful delivery of a project or programme of work. Every programme is different so we tailor the template as we learn more about the change project and the environment change is being delivered in.
  •  Scoping Document Template
    This scoping document helps you confirm the results your project will produce and the constraints and assumptions under which you will work.
  • Concept Paper Template
    This concept paper template helps you capture a summarised view of your opportunity for engagement with key stakeholders.
  • Business Case Template
    This template allows you to compile and include all necessary information to inform your business case.
  • Statement of Work Template
    This template lists key items which would need to be communicated to the client about the proposed project.